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Wilderness First Aid / WFR Refresher

Manage risk through pre trip planning and preventative techniques: communications, 1st Aid Kits, sports nutrition and hydration, rider and equipment checklists, trip itineraries.
Assess and treat life threatening emergencies: Airway management, hemorrhage control, CPR, shock, and stabilization.
Practice common trauma techniques: Wound and fracture management, head injuries, neck and spine injury, blunt trauma, burns, dental and eye trauma.
Develop important judgment skills for the assessment and evacuation of medical and environmental emergencies in the backcountry:  heat and cold emergencies, animal bites and stings, lightning and adverse weather, search and rescue basics, cardiac and respiratory emergencies, diabetes, seizures, anaphylaxis.

Wilderness First Responder

By the end of the course, you will: Build strong patient assessment skills. Demonstrate common treatments of traumatic injuries and life threats. Recognize and treat medical emergencies. Prevent, recognize, and treat environmental emergencies. Learn improvisation, evacuation, and rescue techniques. Practice pre-trip and expedition planning. Practice preventative strategies.