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Time and again throughout my personal and professional journey, and central to evo's success, it all comes down to one word, one theme: balance. Inevitably, when one goal, ambition, activity or focus drives all of the decisions and where energy is spent, balance falls by the wayside. Elements that enhance your health, happiness and/or "success," however defined, are sacrificed when the narrow focus takes over.

Professional achievement at the expense of family and personal relationships, and short-term benefit that jeapordizes sustainable, financial health, are only two examples of the many trade-offs that we face on a daily basis. I have struggled with the above, and a long list of other competing values, each wanting to have my cake and eat it too. Traveling, chasing winters, growing a company, starting a family, jumping into new opportunities, and the building of strong relationships throughout these endeavors can coexist, but finding the balance in all this can make for a moving target.

For evo, "success" can only be achieved when these three goals are in balance:
  1. Build an Iconic Brand and Business

    While building a world-class brand and creating extraordinary customer experiences at every touch-point are paramount to our success, building a great business that operates at the highest financial levels is equally important. When we achieve this balance, everyone within evo's sphere will benefit.
  2. Create an Extraordinary Place and Path for Our Employees

    evo is a family where we push each other to achieve at high levels and support each other in times of need. We also know how important it is for our team to have time for their passions, from powder days to family time to volunteering for the cause they care about most.

    Moreover, we want to make evo the very best place to work by crafting a compelling professional path and ensuring that each employee can participate in the financial upside as the company is successful. This is both the right thing to do and best for business.
  3. Leverage Our Success to Give Back; Working to Help and Empower Underserved Youth

    Using business as a medium to help others will change the world. It is not just an opportunity but absolutely critical if we are going to move the world in the right direction. Having been in our DNA since the very beginning, evo strives to help youth with our time, financial resources, influence, and reach. This is integral to our success. In the coming years, we will work to ensure that the evo brand is synonymous with our Cause.

While we have identified how important balance is and what that means at evo, we are the first to admit that we are far from perfect and we will always be striving to achieve at a higher level. We also hope that our journey and commitment to what we define as "success" will influence others in a positive way. We see it as a huge win if we can inspire others to participate in the sports we love with family and friends while crafting their businesses and professional endeavors in a way that honors their highest values.

While expressing our passion to achieve these goals is an important step, they would be meaningless if it were not for the relationships that we have built over the years with our customers. Thank you for providing the support paramount to moving evo in the right direction. It has been an extraordinary ride over the last twelve years and we cannot wait for all that is to come.

With tremendous thanks,

Bryce Phillips